Many people fail to differentiate between pleasure and happiness. Pleasure usually is fleeting and orchestrated, while happiness is spontaneous and natural. It does not demand money for a person to be happy because happiness is not a euphoric feeling.
True happiness is realizing that you can achieve something without fulfilling outside desires. Cecilia Rowlands, a Dubai-based former mental health nurse now a counselor, attests that individuals exert too much pressure on themselves to achieve happiness but eventually get frustrated.
A typical human being believes that being happy is getting a perfect love match, accumulating too much fortune, gaining respect, being victorious, and many other good things associated with life. Still, in my opinion, their perspective is wrong.
Some facts about happiness:
⇒ Happiness cannot be measured, but it can be experienced by anyone regardless of their status. Happiness is so much more than an attitude; it’s a way of life that influences every area of your life.
⇒ Happiness cannot be measured, but it can be experienced by anyone who truly seeks it.
⇒ Happiness is an inside job; once you decide to lead a happy life, happiness will be part of who you are. It is essential to know that we are as excited as we spread happiness to others.
The following are some of the attributes a person must have to enjoy a purposeful and happy life:
Set a proper mindset
A proper mindset shapes a person’s view on life issues. Mental attitude does not solely depend on environmental conditions but an individual’s attitude towards life issues. How an individual deals with life problems he/he eventually determines how happy they are. For example, people living in the streets can be more optimistic than people living in mansions because there are many different factors to consider when talking about happiness.
Develop an inner discipline
Psychologists believe that discipline transforms our behaviors and attitude toward life. How we control our inner sensitivity gives us a chance to have control and focus on the present time. Learning how to respond to negative tendencies and things that hurt us takes us to the road of achieving true happiness, which roams from within.
Be positive
Being positive about everything we do in our life gives hope that everything will be okay eventually. Pessimistic emotions instead lead individuals to give up because they believe that they cannot push through the problems they face. Many times the negative response is not based on reality but perception. You can think negatively or positively. Ultimately the choice lies within.
Express gratitude
It is essential to appreciate what we already have. Otherwise, we will never have happiness in life. Human beings tend to fail to be satisfied with what they have. Instead, they envy and wish to have what others already have. External forces push people’s desire to want what they do not have, and in many cases, their desires are unrealistic or very hard to achieve.
Below you will find my Formula for achieving happiness:
♠ Doing things daily that support my happiness (they don’t have to be big, you can find happiness in the minor things or actions)
♠ Adopting a positive attitude towards life in general. Happiness is here and now, not arriving someday.
♠ Doing things that are rewarding and that make me feel fulfilled
♠ Being grateful for what I have and practice gratitude daily
♠ Being true to who I am and living my life on my terms. (being authentic leads to living a happier life)
I invite you to create your Happiness Formula and obey it every day so you can live a happy life NOW instead of waiting for one day to be happy or achieve happiness.
Remember: Happiness is not a final destination; it is a way of living our life.
Are you living a fulfilled and happy life? Please keep reading below if your answer is no, maybe, or I don’t know.
If you need support achieving true happiness, let’s chat over a complimentary strategy session to see how I can support you to achieve your goals, move forward, and get unstuck once and for all.
Click on the link below to schedule your FREE 30-Minute STRATEGY COACHING SESSION.
This Strategy Session will help you to:
- Gain more clarity towards what you need to do to achieve a more fulfilling life.
- Build up your confidence level so you can get out of your way and feel happier.
- Give you the push you need to commit to your goals.
- Be the starting point to take action and to feel happy and fulfilled daily.
By Partnering with me:
- I’ll walk you through all the steps you need to get things done to get to a happy place both in business and in life.
- I’ll work with you to remove the blocks that are holding you back from being 100% happy.
- I’ll give you the tools that you can implement to achieve happiness as a way of living and not just a temporary state of being.
- Based on my own and my client’s experience going through the same challenges, I’ll share what works and what doesn’t.
This session is entirely free, and there is no obligation to my services. If you are new to coaching, it may be an excellent way to explore what coaching is all about and see and experience its benefits firsthand.
Romina Tomas, Associate Certified Coach